Growing Sisal - pt 2

Hello, my messing around with digital gardens has a name now, everyone's favorite gardending twine, Sisal! (sorry Jute fans)

Today I'd like to start by coding up some example data and processing it. Yesterday I made up this as a possible example.

</blog/> <contains> "This is some *markdown* text."

Let's improve on that a little as a starting off spot. No need for the file extension, the Identifier for the document can just be the path. contains is pretty file centric and doesn't mention what it contains so we can probably fix that as well.

</blog/> isa <blog-article>,
</blog/> isa <markdown-doc>,
</blog/> <content> "This is some *markdown* text."


</blog/> {
    isa [ <blog-article>, <markdown-doc> ],
    <content> "This is some *markdown* text." }

Now I can produce blog articles for the site by querying for <blog-articles> and I could also have blog articles use multiiple formats.

Setting up Sisal

Since Sisal is working closely with vite to produce a website, I've decided to start work on this project in TypeScript. I'm going to add it to the ligature-web project which contains all of the TypeScript projects related to Ligature.

On the Ligature side I'm going to be using ligature-scala since it's the version I'm currently developing. It shouldn't matter though since I'm planning on accessing Ligature via ZeroMQ and the Bend scripting language (Bend is a language for working with Ligature), so its specific implementation won't matter. At first, I plan on just hard coding queries in TypeScript to hit the endpoint and we'll where it goes from there.
