Encoding Description Logic in Ligature
this document is a very rough draft
This document explains my current thoughts on encoding Description Logic in Ligature and Wander through the tiny-dl project.
DL Notation
Cat ⊑ Pet
Dog ⊑ Pet
Pet ≡ ∃weighs.Weight ⊓ ∃dob.Date
Wander API
is-subconcept Cat Animal,
is-subconcept Dog Animal,
describe Cat (weighs . Weight) (dob . Date),
Ligature Model
Cat subconcept-of Animal,
Dog subconcept-of Animal,
Animal : tiny-dl:ConceptName,
Weight : tiny-dl:ConceptName,
Date : tiny-dl:ConceptName,
weighs : tiny-dl:RoleName,
dob : tiny-dl:RoleName,
weighs . Weight,
dob . Date,
Animal ∃ weighs,
Animal ∃ dob