Encoding Description Logic in Ligature

this document is a very rough draft

This document explains my current thoughts on encoding Description Logic (specifically tiny-dl) in Ligature and Wander.


DL Notation

Cat ≡ ∃weighs.Weight ⊓ ∃dob.Date

Wander Notation

(≡ Cat (⊓ (∃ weighs Weight) (∃ dob Date)))

Ligature Notation

  Cat ≡ _01
  _01 : ⊓
  _01 arg _02
  _01 arg _03
  _02 : ∃
  _02 role weighs
  _02 concept Weight
  _03 : ∃
  _03 role dob
  _03 concept Date


In Ligature

  betty weighs 11lbs
  betty dob 12/13/2021

Wander Functions

Assuming the Terms and Assertions above are available as tBox and aBox.

(check tBox aBox)

This would result in

{ satisfied = true }

And calling

(infer tBox aBox)

Results in

  betty : Cat
  betty weighs 11lbs
  betty dob 12/13/2021