
this document is a very rough draft

tiny-dl is a set of libraries for working with Description Logic. The main implementation is in F# currently. See https://github.com/almibe/ligature-fs/src/tiny-dl/ and https://github.com/almibe/tiny-dl/. It is very new and experimental so expect apis or the entire goal of the project to change.

tiny-dl is being designed with two modes of interaction in mind. The first is via a small scripting language based on DL syntax. The second is via an api in the native language.


tiny-dl scripts allow you to write out a knowledge base and generate an interpretation of it. Below is a sample tiny-dl script.

Knot ≡ ∃abok.ABoK ⊓ ∃named.Name,
(_01, #1452): abok,
(_01, "Ashley's bend"): named

When this script is ran the following interpretation is generated.

Name Type Values
Domain { _01, #1452, "Ashley's bend" }
Knot Concept { _01 }
ABoK Concept { #1452 }
Name Concept { "Ashley's bend" }
abok Role { (_01, #1452) }
named Role { (_01, "Ashley's bend") }

Below is work in progress fake ebnf for the syntax

AtomicConcept: name
Role: name
Invididual: name

UnaryPredicate: Individual ':' AtomicConcept
BinaryPredicate: '(' Individual ',' Individual ')' ':' Role

ExistentialRestriction: '∃' Role '.' ConceptExpression
ValueRestriction: '∀' Role '.' ConceptExpression
Grouping : '(' ConceptExpression ')'

UnaryOperator: '¬'
BinaryOperator: '⊔' | '⊓' | '⊑' | '≡'

ConceptExpression: AtomicConcept 
                 | UnaryOperator ConceptExpression
                 | ConceptExpression BinaryOperator ConceptExpresssion
                 | Grouping
                 | ExistentialRestriction
                 | ValueRestriction

Expression: UnaryPredicate | BinaryPredicate | ConceptDefinition | ConceptInclusion
Script: (Expression ',')*

name: [0-9a-zA-Z-_]+



Tableau Algorthim Notes
